... examination as well as the previous ones who have not taken their Oath of Professional will be held before the Board on Monday, December 17, 2007 at 1:00 o'clock in the afternoon at the Grand Ballroom, Manila bHotel/b, One Rizal Park, Manila. b...../bbCARANZA/b, ROGELIO JR CA?A # CARBONELL, RONALD MALLARE # CARCAGENTE, ROGELIO JR PAHAYAHAY # CARDONA, JOHANNES WILLIAM LIBRADILLA # CARDOZA, DARREN ROSALEM # CARGO, MELCHOR QUITA # CARILLO, GILBERT VERANO # CARI?O, ANALYN MORALES ...
This historic bhotel/b dates back to 1904 and was once the home to President Venustiano bCarranza/b following the Mexican Revolution. Situated in the Centro Historico district in downtown Mexico City, the bhotel/b offers an in-room massage ...